roofing in Austin, Austin roofing, roofing contractors in Austin

Austin Roofing Maintenance 101   Every year so many homeowners replace their roof, either because there was a premature roof failure or the last storm damaged it. That’s why Austin roofing experts recommend doing an in-depth check on a roof, at least twice a year.   A preventive maintenance program is simply a checklist of scheduled roof inspection…

roofing in Austin, Austin roofing, roofing contractors in Austin

How to Protect Your Roof from Bad Weather

  During the year, your roof remains the most exposed part of your home. Weather events such as sun, hail, wind, and rain are the leading reasons for Austin roofing and property damage.   While some visible signs of damage include tornor missing shingles; there remain many other failures that wreak havoc on yourhome’s interior.…

Lighting strikes down in between two metal roofs

Are Metal Roofs Susceptible to Lightning?

The most perpetuated myth, by far, about metal roofing is that it leaves your house susceptible to lightning strikes.

Before we cover why metal roofing absolutely does not increase your home’s risk of being struck by lightning, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what standing seam metal roofing is.
